RSSリーダー、Podcast BeyondPod 3.0


BeyondPod views now use a new "kinetic" (iPhone style) finger scrolling. (Keep in mind that the Feed Content view still does not support finger scrolling unless your device has TouchFlow)
Improved the support for VGA devices and high resolution versions of the icons are now included by default in the install
When a podcast finishes playing, the associated feed item is automatically marked as "read"
You can now delete downloaded podcasts directly from the Feed Content view. This feature should make cleaning of the library much easier especially if you turned off the setting for automatic deletion of podcasts at the end of playback.
Played podcasts have a slightly different icon to help distinguish them from un-played or partially played ones
In Feeds View, if the Feed has podcasts, pressing the "Right" arrow key now starts playing all podcasts , the same way as if you click on the green feed arrow. This makes it a bit easier for non touch screen devices to access this functionality
BeyondPod will now automatically check and notify you when new Public or Beta builds are available.
Added an option to create categories directly from the "Select Category" screen
There is a new global shortcut to toggle between podcast and player view. The default key is "8" and It can be changed using "Change Button Mappings" link in the Player settings
On touch screen devices, BeyondPod will now automatically turn the screen of 10 seconds after you start the playback (only if using the Internal Player). There is a setting to control that feature in Tools > Settings > Player Settings
Added screen transitions between some of the views. There is a setting to turn them on/off in the General settings (Tools > Settings > General Settings)
BeyondPod - Release BeyondPod 3.0