WiFi Monster v1.0.39.118


  • Connects open or private networks.
  • It shows current WiFi status.
  • It shows a list of nearby networks.
  • It filters and sorts found networks.
  • It allows you to connect selected network manually.
  • It can turn WiFi on and off.
  • It can turn WiFi off by inactivity timeout and by battery treshold.
  • It is finger friendly.
  • It supports VGA, wide screens, landscape mode, and it looks nice after all.

To do:

  • Autoconnect to the best available network.
  • Make string resources easily detachable.
  • Maintain internet application list.
  • "No internet application" timeout.
  • Launch application on connect.

FreewarePPC.com - Freeware Pocket PC - Freeware Windows Mobile WiFi Monster v1.0.39.118